Once you find a women you’d like to approach, you must know how to make initial contact with her. Once you achieve recognition, you have to be able to read her signals - do you continue your approach? Or do you take the red flag and get out of the game? This chapter is devoted to helping you learn the best strategy for approaching a woman. I will define the entire process, from initial contact and flirting, through conversation, touching, and to the bedroom.
The seduction process can be broken down into three main stages. Each of these progressions - Recognition, Conversation, and Chemistry - will be described for you in this chapter. As you read about each step, keep in mind that you must lead the woman through the seduction process. She ultimately gives the approval, but you maintain control. Understanding these methods will allow you to easily incorporate your existing knowledge and skills into the more advanced topics in later chapters.
Stage 1: Recognition and Flirting
Objective: Find Her, Acknowledge Her, Interpret Her Response
This stage is includes checking out your surroundings, observing all the potential target women, and deciding which woman you would like to pick up. Once you decide whom you will target, you must let her know that you are interested. You can do this by making eye contact with her, smiling at her, or giving her a little nod. Then, you must get a response from her. She will likely smile, raise her eyebrows or return the eye contact. Once you receive acknowledgement from her, you will subconsciously start making subtle body movements. These gestures include running your fingers through our hair, stretching, repositioning your self in your chair, touching your face, or adjusting your clothing. You may not even notice your movements – don’t worry about it! This behavior is usually a sign of anxiety and your apprehension of actually meeting her and talking to her. Some women may notice your body language, and those who do will find it appealing. It gives a woman indication that you intend to approach her.
After the initial response, you must improve your chances of getting further recognition from her. Chapter 7 goes into more detail about using and reading body language. What you read here are just the basics. Make sure you are in her line of vision. Adjust your position in the room so that you are facing her. Then subtly scan the room and, without looking AT her, try to catch her eye for another moment of eye contact. Now it is up to her to either discourage you or encourage you. She will either show interest, or she will turn away from you. If she turns away, cut your losses and move on to the next woman you find attractive. Don’t waste your time on a woman who isn’t interested. If she smiles at you, or moves towards you, this means she is interested. If she makes eye contact with you, be sure to smile! It conveys the message that you are interested, and you would like to meet her. Watch her body language for subtle gestures of encouragement - anything from fidgeting with her glass, looking down, or touching her face or hair. Any of this behavior indicates that she want to meet a women you. She is inviting you with her body language. Keep in mind that women know quite well how to reject men. If she smiles at you or makes an effort to straighten her appearance then she is definitely sending you a signal of approval. Remember: You lead, so take the initiative and go over and say something to her.
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