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Monday, July 7, 2008

How To Talk With Women - 1

How To Talk With Women

Now that you have learned how to use non-verbal language to attract, approach, and seduce women it is time to figure out how to talk with women. When talking with a woman, you want her to feel a connection with you. A woman wants a man to understand what she is saying, and men want a woman to feel at ease with him. These two things go hand in hand. If a woman feels that you understand her, she will feel more comfortable and she will be more likely to be receptive to your advances and go out with you.

This chapter is all about the spoken language. Once you’ve mastered the material in this chapter, your actions or words will never be misinterpreted again. You’ll learn the basics to having a successful conversation with any woman. You will learn what to say and what not to say, and a few general principles to keep in mind when talking to a woman.

Your Goal

There is one main reason you are talking to this woman - the chance you will get sexual with her. Maybe you want a relationship, maybe a one-night stand, but ultimately you want sex. You aren’t talking to her because you really want to learn more about her or carry on a conversation.

You are using conversation as a way to get closer to your goal of establishing an intimate relationship with her.

Women gauge their relationships on how well they relate to that person. If you want to relate with a woman you have to create emotional involvement. Of course, for you, conversation is a way to get more information about her. But for women it is more about how she interacts with you, and how you make her feel. It is important get along well with her if you want to see her again. This means a lot to a woman. Talk about what you like and dislike, ask her questions, and answer her questions. Offer your personal opinions as well. This will make her feel closer to you and she will move to a more personal conversation.

It is useful to try to attach a feeling to the facts she reveals to you. For example, ask her how she feels about her work, or, if you see her at the gym, tell her how much you admire that she takes care of her body. Tie in your feelings with the situation and/or any facts she gives you. Remember, the more comfortable you make her feel by understanding her, and showing emotion, the better chance you have of seeing her again. You need to use this conversation to build the foundation for a possible relationship with this woman.

The main goal of this conversation is to become personally involved with this woman and to get certain information from her. You need to get three vital pieces of information if you want to see her again.

Get Her Vitals

Before we discuss how to talk to women, let us talk about what the conversation should get us. When you first meet a woman, there are three pieces of personal information you must get from her. The whole basis of your relationship depends on getting this information. Success or failure at this task will determine whether or not you will see her again. You must make it your priority to get this vital information when talking to a woman that you have just met and that you’re interested in. Focus on these three very important pieces of information.

Vital Fact #1: Her Name

When you introduce yourself to her, ask for her name right away. Be sure to use her name in the next couple of sentences. Women appreciate a guy who actually pays attention, and using her name will show her that you are interested in her. Repeating her name back to her is also a good way for you to remember it, and to make sure you heard her correctly. The more you pay attention to a woman, the more she will like you.

Vital Fact #2: A Common Thread

You need to ask her a couple of questions to get more information about her. Find a way for the two of you to be connected. This might be a common interest, a mutual friend, or the same favorite drink. You want to use this common factor to relate to her, and you want to give her a reason to trust you.

Vital Fact #3: Her Number

Before the conversation comes to an end, you must make sure you have a way to get in touch with her. This usually means her phone number. Or, ask for her email address. In this day and age there aren’t too many people that don’t have email either at home or at work. You will learn more about getting her number in Chapter 10 How to Get and Execute a Date. Know these three pieces of information, and make it your priority to get them from every woman you are interested in.

The Basics

Now that you know about getting a woman’s vitals, you need to know how to talk to her. This can be harder than it sounds. When you try to compare the way men talk to each other and the way women talk to each other it’s like comparing apples and oranges.

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